Friday, 13 December 2019


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are no Conflicts Matches for this port. Further, PostgreSQL 11 makes significant improvements to the table partitioning system, adds support for stored procedures capable of transaction management, improves query parallelism and adds parallelized data definition capabilities, and introduces just-in-time JIT compilation for accelerating the execution of expressions in queries. This release fixes two security issues in the PostgreSQL server, two security issues found in one of the PostgreSQL Windows installers, and over 40 bugs reported since the previous release. PostgreSQL 11 provides users with improvements to overall performance of the database system, with specific enhancements associated with very large databases and high computational workloads. pgtcl

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The other configure parameters that may need tweaking are where Tcl's includes and libraries and tclConfig. You might have more than one Tclsh installed. Connection handles and result handles are now executable commands in their own right, while maintaining compatible with their former usage as strictly handles.

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Debian -- Details of source package pgtcl in sid

To install the port: PostgreSQL 11 provides users with improvements to overall performance of the database system, with specific enhancements associated with very large databases and high computational workloads. This is usually an error.


Result handles are changed in format: Result handles are NOT channels, though it was tempting. They now return nothing. Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above. Previously, for example, the Pgtcl documentation resided with the rest of the PostgreSQL documentation, and Pgtcl's source code accessed PostgreSQL's include files and libraries in a fraternal manner that had to be divorced and reworked to use the same APIs and build methods that any external application would use to build against PostgreSQL's libpq C interface library.


Also, requests can now be cancelled while they're in progress. For copy ins, puts a single terminator. This release fixes two security issues in the PostgreSQL server, two security issues found in one of the PostgreSQL Windows installers, and over 40 bugs reported since the previous release. Privacy Forums Blog Contact. These now generate standard Tcl "wrong args" messages, etc. Login to resync this repository.

Source Package: pgtcl (1:2.6.1-1)

User Login Create account. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Something wrong with this page? Want a good read?

Many people have pttcl to the further development of Pgtcl over the years, including Randy Pgctl, who added the channel handler code, among other things, and we intend to identify the rest of them and give them credit as well. As building the documentation requires a number of fairly major tools and packages, the release also includes the docs prebuilt in HTML and PDF format. Alternatively you can still explicitly specify where the Postgres includes and libraries are found:. Alternatively, you can specify pytcl path to the Postgres include files using --with-postgres-include and to the Postgres libraries using --with-postgres-lib.

Enforcing this syntax makes it easy to look up the real pointer by indexing into an array associated with the connection. You can now say:. There are no Conflicts Matches for this port.

Tcl client side interface to PostgreSQL libpgtcl https: Optional dependencies are not covered. Further, PostgreSQL 11 makes significant pgfcl to the table partitioning system, adds support for stored procedures capable of transaction management, improves query parallelism and adds parallelized data definition capabilities, and introduces just-in-time JIT compilation for accelerating the execution of expressions in queries.

The programmer is then expected to use Tcl gets or read commands on the database connection not the result handle to extract the copy data.

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