Saturday, 14 December 2019


To increase security, all administrator passwords to log on to LiveUpdate Administrator must be a minimum of 8 characters, be alphanumeric, and include one special character. There is no separate input field for entering domain name. Users are forced to save twice to add a Failover Server to a Source Server. Optimized load times for the LUA console home page and event log. Improved the retention of failed logon attempts during an upgrade. symantec liveupdate administrator 2.3.2

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New quick link added to the user interface which allows customers to quickly and easily capture all LUA-related troubleshooting information that Symantec Technical Support may require if answering a query or investigating a reported issue.

Source servers are the locations LUA downloads its content from.

symantec liveupdate administrator 2.3.2

Support is added for IPv6. Double-click on the LiveUpdate Administrator Icon on the desktop or use your Internet Browser to connect to the web interface. Tomcat service cannot auto-start when restarting administrato computer Fix ID When you add a distribution schedule, you also select the products and components that you want to associate with the schedule.

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Double-click on " World Wide Web Service ". For how to edit the metabase, read Microsoft's article on " IIS 6. It is recommended that a web or FTP server is provided for the hosting of these files that scale to your environment. You must be able to create new local users and to create new services. The LiveUpdate ,iveupdate will download updates from the server with the highest priority if updates with the same timestamp are available on all source servers.

symantec liveupdate administrator 2.3.2

Improved the retention of failed logon attempts during an upgrade. Once you have finished with selecting the Products for the Product Line selected in step a.

symantec liveupdate administrator 2.3.2

This name will be used as a reference in LUA 7. Install the latest JDK 1. Walk through the installation wizard: Content can also be sent to a Testing Distribution Center before publishing so content can be vetted before being released administratkr the entire environment. If hard disk space is extremely low on an LUA computer, it can cause tasks to fail and in turn, cause LUA to not clean up task related temp content files.

In previous releases, the contents in the distribution centers occasionally become corrupted and you have had to delete the contents manually.

Current versions of LiveUpdate Administration tools

Record the user name and password used f. The similar validations are applicable on Preference page while changing Download and Temporary directory.

This will confirm that new credentials and other details about the proxy are in effect at all levels of networking. Resolved defects Fix ID The failover server list displays similar information for the failover servers associated with the source server.

Browse to the folder you created where the content will be stored. It should show the version you had just administratog and installed. You can upgrade from 2.

Install and configure LiveUpdate Administrator

Enter a description of the distribution server 9. Before you can add content to a download scheduled, distribution center or distribution schedule, first add the product to the product list. Click on the "Configure" tab 4. Automatic LUA database maintenance, to ensure reliable and responsive operations.

Browse to the c: If you click the Delete command on the Manage Update s page and select a content item, the command admministrator deletes the latest revision from the content item, and not the entire content item.

Removes non-supported products from Symantec Product Catalog. Choose the downloads directory for LUA.

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